This work is collaboration with Adam Hanuljak and RTVS.

From project webpage:

“Zuza Ferenczová situated her original radio play for the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution in the unexpected environment of a private home for the elderly. Through the figures of seniors, their small stories and the specific perception of the world around them, they think about the theme of freedom, both internal and external, but also about how fundamental historical events, in this case “regaining freedom” shape and affect human lives. Towards the end of their lives, in moments when a dignified balance of the survivor might be expected, the characters find themselves in a sterile and bleak last repository of the “impossible and unnecessary”, they are literally locked in a device from which there is no way out.

Performers: František Kovár, Zuzana Krónerová, Emília Vášaryová, Eva Matejková, Richard Stanke, Lucia Vráblicová, Michaela Piesyk, Ida Rapaičová, Dušan Kaprálik.

Director: Adam Hanuliak, dramaturgy: Michaela Materáková, sound: Ľubica Olšovská, music: Fero Király, music dramaturgy: Katarína Bielčíková, production: Ľudmila Sabová.

You can listen to this radio play from the online RTVS archive:

From making of session in RTVS radio buiding.