Photo: A4 Bratislava
Photo: A4 Bratislava

Live coding in music is an exploration into the fabric of sound, musical structure and a journey that transcends conventional boundaries. It is not merely a technical endeavor but a thoughtful process of discovery and creation.

Live coding offers a new perspective on music-making, allowing musicians to become composers, interacting with sound in real time and shaping it through code. It brings a new dimension to the art, where algorithms become instruments, and experimentation is as natural as breathing. In this realm, the lines between genres blur, and the seeds of new musical worlds are sown. The process is less about conquering uncharted territories and more about unveiling hidden layers, appreciating the nuances, and discovering a new kind of beauty.

The art of live coding is a convergence of the musician, the medium, and aesthetics, where sound and code intertwine to sculpt a new musical landscape.

Experimenting with music via this programmable medium isn’t about showoasing prowess but about embracing curiosity. It’s about the joy of tinkering, the satisfaction in small discoveries, and the wonder in unexpected resonances.

This workshop is an introduction to the world of collaborative live coding with the open-source platform Estuary. It’s not a revolution but a gentle invitation to a different way of thinking about music. Join us as we explore together, learn from one another, and find joy in the simple act of creation. Here, in the quiet interplay of code and sound, you may find not just new music but new ways of listening and understanding.

Photo: A4 Bratislava
Photo: A4 Bratislava
Photo: A4 Bratislava
Photo: A4 Bratislava

Vďaka livecodingu, ktoré sa niekedy označuje aj ako programovanie on the fly, programovanie just in time, alebo konverzačné programovanie, je programovanie neoddeliteľnú súčasť prebiehajúceho programu. Najvýraznejšie sa využíva ako forma performatívneho umenia, je to spôsob tvorby zameraný na písanie zdrojového kódu a používanie interaktívneho programovania improvizovaným spôsobom. Livecoding sa často používa na vytváranie diel založených na zvuku a obraze, ale aj svetelných systémoch, improvizovanom tanci a poézii. V počítačovej hudbe prevláda najmä ako improvizácia, aj keď sa dá kombinovať s algoritmickou kompozíciou. Proces písania zdrojového kódu sa zvyčajne zobrazuje premietaním obrazovky počítača publiku. Techniky livecodingu sa používajú aj mimo hrania, napríklad pri výrobe zvuku pre film alebo audiovizuálnej práce pre interaktívne umelecké inštalácie. (Wikipedia)

Photo: Art Camp Konteiner
Photo: Art Camp Konteiner
Photo: Terézia Brosmanová
Photo: Terézia Brosmanová
Photo: Terézia Brosmanová
Photo: Terézia Brosmanová
Photo: Terézia Brosmanová
Photo: Terézia Brosmanová